
MIPS - Advancing Care Information - Patient-Generated Health Data

Advancing Care Information Measures
Measure ID ACI_CCTPE_3
Category ACI
Description Patient-generated health data or data from a non-clinical setting is incorporated into the certified EHR technology for at least one unique patient seen by the MIPS eligible clinician during the performance period.
Definition of Terms
  • Patient-Generated Health Data – Data generated by a patient or a patient's authorized representative.
  • Data from a Non-Clinical Setting – This includes, but is not limited to, social service data, data generated by a patient or a patient's authorized representative, advance directives, medical device data, home health monitoring data, and fitness monitor data.
  • Unique Patient – If a patient is seen by a MIPS eligible clinician more than once during the MIPS performance period, then for purposes of measurement, that patient is only counted once in the denominator for the measure. All the measures relying on the term ‘‘unique patient’’ relate to what is contained in the patient’s medical record. Not all of this information will need to be updated or even be needed by the MIPS eligible clinician at every patient encounter. This is especially true for patients whose encounter frequency is such that they would see the same MIPS eligible clinician multiple times in the same MIPS performance period.
eMeasure ID
First Performance Year 2017
Last Performance Year
Metric Type proportion
Reporting Category Performance Bonus
Weight ten
Objective Coordination Of Care Through Patient Engagement
Is Required?
Is Bonus?
Registry Measure Spec
Web Interface Measure Spec
Claims Measure Spec

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