
MIPS - Improvement Activities - Engagement of new Medicaid patients and follow-up

Improvement Activities Measures Hints for Choosing Improvement Activities

Measure ID IA_AHE_1
Category IA
Title Engagement of new Medicaid patients and follow-up
Description Seeing new and follow-up Medicaid patients in a timely manner, including individuals dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare.
eMeasure ID
First Performance Year 2017
Last Performance Year
Metric Type boolean
Weight high
Sub-category ID Achieving Health Equity
CEHRT Eligibility
Bonus under ACI
Varidation Functionality of practice in seeing new and follow-up Medicaid patients in a timely manner including patients dually eligible
Suggested Documentation 1) Timely Appointments for Medicaid and Dually Eligible Medicaid/Medicare Patients - Statistics from certified EHR or scheduling system (may be manual) on time from request for appointment to first appointment offered or appointment made by type of visit for Medicaid and dual eligible patients; and 2) Appointment Improvement Activities - Assessment of new and follow-up visit appointment statistics to identify and implement improvement activities
Registry Measure Spec
Web Interface Measure Spec
Claims Measure Spec

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