
MIPS - Improvement Activities - Unhealthy alcohol use

Improvement Activities Measures Hints for Choosing Improvement Activities

Measure ID IA_BMH_3
Category IA
Title Unhealthy alcohol use
Description Unhealthy alcohol use: Regular engagement of MIPS eligible clinicians or groups in integrated prevention and treatment interventions, including screening and brief counseling (refer to NQF #2152) for patients with co-occurring conditions of behavioral or mental health conditions.
eMeasure ID
First Performance Year 2017
Last Performance Year
Metric Type boolean
Weight medium
Sub-category ID Behavioral And Mental Health
CEHRT Eligibility
Bonus under ACI
Varidation Performance of regular engagement in integrated prevention and treatment interventions for patients with co-occurring conditions of behavioral or mental health and at risk factors for unhealthy alcohol use
Suggested Documentation Report from certified EHR, QCDR, clinical registry or documentation from medical charts showing regular practice for unhealthy alcohol use screening for patients with co-occurring conditions of behavioral or mental health conditions.
Registry Measure Spec
Web Interface Measure Spec
Claims Measure Spec

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