
MIPS - Improvement Activities - Implementation of practices/processes for developing regular individual care plans

Improvement Activities Measures Hints for Choosing Improvement Activities

Measure ID IA_CC_9
Category IA
Title Implementation of practices/processes for developing regular individual care plans
Description Implementation of practices/processes to develop regularly updated individual care plans for at-risk patients that are shared with the beneficiary or caregiver(s).
eMeasure ID
First Performance Year 2017
Last Performance Year
Metric Type boolean
Weight medium
Sub-category ID Care Coordination
CEHRT Eligibility
Bonus under ACI
Varidation Individual care coordination plans are regularly developed and updated for at-risk patients and shared with beneficiary or caregiver
Suggested Documentation 1) Individual Care Plans for At-Risk Patients - Documented practices/processes for developing regularly individual care plans for at-risk patients, e.g., template care plan; and 2) Use of Care Plan with Beneficiary - Patient medical records demonstrating care plan being shared with beneficiary or caregiver
Registry Measure Spec
Web Interface Measure Spec
Claims Measure Spec

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