
MIPS - Quality Measures - Nutritional Screening and Intervention Plan in Patients with Chronic Wounds and Ulcers

Quality Measures
Category QUALITY
Description The percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of a wound or ulcer of any type who undergo nutritional screening with a validated tool (such as the Nestlé MNA) within the 12-month reporting period, and for whom an appropriate nutritional intervention was ordered based on the results of the tool. Using the MNA Short Form algorithm, if a patient at risk of malnutrition has an MNA score of 8-11 and documented weight loss, the clinician would be provided with general treatment, monitoring or rescreening recommendations. These include: nutrition interventions (e.g. diet enhancement and oral supplementation of 400 kcal/d2), close weight monitoring, and a more in depth nutrition assessment. Malnourished patients with scores of 0-7 would be offered treatment with nutritional intervention (ONS 400-600 kcal/d2 and diet enhancement), close weight monitoring and a more in depth nutrition assessment. No specific products will be recommended as part of the measure.
eMeasure ID
First Performance Year 2017
Last Performance Year
Metric Type Single Performance Rate
National Quality Strategy Domain Person and Caregiver-Centered Experience and Outcomes
Measure Type Process
eMeasure UUID
NQF eMeasure ID
Is High Priority?
Is Inverse?
Overall Algorithm
Primary Steward U.S. Wound Registry
Submission Methods
Eligibility Options
Performance Options
Is Risk Adjusted?
Vendor ID
Is Registry Measure?
Registry Measure Spec
Web Interface Measure Spec
Claims Measure Spec

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